Hurling and Camogie Club


Adult Championship Round-Up

It wasn’t to be for our adult hurlers and camogs this week-end, with all teams suffering losses. Our Junior G’s started the week-ends activities on Friday night against a strong Lucan Sarsfields side who had already beaten Na Fianna. This game ended 2-12 to 2-7 with some good hurling on show from our younger up…

Mid-Week Training Camp

Our Games Promotions Officer will be running a mid-week training camp for boys and girls aged between 12-15 years old. These sessions will run on Wednesdays and Fridays in Loreto College from 12 midday until 2pm. Parents and players can contact your mentors or Paul McManus for further details.  

Harry Boland Commemoration

Harry Boland Commemoration

We were delighted to be invited over to Faughs GAA Club for their pitch re-opening and 100 Anniversary of their All-Ireland win. As part of these celebrations Faughs were also commemorating Harry Boland who was killed during the Civil War. While better known for their involvement in the Rathmines and Faughs clubs, Harry (a past…

Hurling Helmet Advice

THE RULE The GAA reminds all players at all levels in all Hurling Games and Hurling Practice Sessions that it is mandatory, and the responsibility of each individual player to wear a helmet with a facial guard that meets the standards set out in IS:355 or other replacement standard as determined by the National Safety…

Summer Camp Registration Open

Summer Camp Registration Open

Another brilliant camp Cúl Camp just finished last week with 195 happy children attending every day. The Sun also came out, and to keep everyone cool and happy, Mr Whippy arrived with lovely ice-creams for everyone. A massive thanks to all our coaches and helpers. For some pictures on the recent Cúl Camp just finished…

Reilly’s Rambling And A Match Result

Under 13 Camogie Match Report by Ger Reilly It’s a rural thing to look at tall grass in the City and see something comforting but the Phoenix Park looked splendid today and I was dreaming of home. As I got closer to Ashtown I was still remembering my youth. When I was a small one…

Summer Camp Dates and Registration

A few spaces have become available for our July Cul Camp (4th – 8th July) All details can be found on Kevin’s are registered under “Dublin West” The second camp is being run between 22nd – 26th August and is a Kevins run Camp. Registration to be posted in the coming weeks.

Weekly Round-Up 29 May 2022

Weekly Round-Up 29 May 2022

It was a cracking Saturday morning as we welcomed our ABC Nursery sponsors – Donore Credit Union – to Loreto College. Go Games hurling and camogie teams were busy on Saturday. Both the Under 8s and 9s travelled to Bohernabreena to take on St Annes in a 3 team tie and some there was some…

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