Hurling and Camogie Club


September Update

September Update

Our Summer Hurling Session Finale in August was a big success and it was quickly followed by our second Summer Camp with approximately 140 boys and girls taking part! It was great to see so many kids pick up their new STAR hurleys and partake in the skills competitions on Saturday the 19th August as…

Upcoming Adult Championship Fixtures

Junior A Hurling Championship 20th August versus Faughs in Osprey @ 11am 3rd September versus Cuala in Dolphin Park @11am For more information on Junior A championship click here Junior D Hurling Championship 20th August versus Trinity Gaels in Drumnigh @ 11am 3rd September versus St Patricks Donabate in Dolphin Park @11am For more information…

Kevins Summer Camp

Our Summer Camp is open for registration! You can click here to register. Can non-members join? Yes When is it on? Monday 21st August to Friday 25th What time? 10am – 2pm How much does it cost? €70 Discounts are available for children from the same household.

The Bright Summer Nights Are Here!

The Bright Summer Nights Are Here!

The good weather has broken out and we took advantage with a busy week-end of underage hurling and camogie with some some rounders thrown in to add some diversity to the mix. But first thanks to all the volunteers who helped out with the 5KM road race in the Phoenix Park, as for every volunteer…

They Gave Us Joy In Tymon

They Gave Us Joy In Tymon

They Gave us Joy in Tymon! (At The Faughs Dorry Murray Tournament) (you can sing it to yourself to the tune of the Rocky Road to Dublin) Well, in the merry month of May at the Canal we started Left the house at 9, with Hurleys we departed Waved at Dolphin Park, Loreto soon thereafter…

Féile Finalists

Féile Finalists

Our under 15 girls did us proud last week-end as they reached the final of the Division 3 Feile nA nGael. With 7 divisions in total and no regular team playing at Under 15 level the girls were placed in  a high division, which shows how highly regarded the Kevins girls are. Kevins disposed of…

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